Protecting families, finances and furry friends!

National Estate Planning Awareness Week!

This week in October is National Estate Planning Awareness Week! If you already have an Estate Plan in place, it’s always smart to review from time to time due to change in circumstances or changes in the law. If you do not have an Estate Plan in place, now is the...

New School Year is a Fresh Start

For me, the start of the school year has always marked a new beginning. I’m not sure if that is because I’ve spent so much time in school, or that the changing of seasons from summer to autumn is the most refreshing. If you’re busy getting your children ready for the...

Guardianship v. Power of Attorney

Most people think an estate plan should be focused solely on what happens to your assets after your death. However, disability, even for a short time period, is likely to happen to you at some point in your life. 1 in 4 twenty-year old’s will become disabled before...

You Have Your Trust, But Is There Anything In It?

You’ve signed your Trust. Great! But wait, there’s more… Creating your Trust is just the first step. Upon signing, your Trust is merely an “empty bucket.” Funding your Trust, means filling the “empty bucket” with your assets. Your assets fill the “empty bucket” by...

The Trap of Joint Tenancy

“I don’t have a lot of money, so I’ll just add my kids to my (bank account) (title to my home) (title to my car) etc.” This is a common refrain from those who think they are not wealthy enough for an Estate Plan. Wealth does not determine whether you should have...