Protecting families, finances and furry friends!

You Have Your Trust, But Is There Anything In It?

You’ve signed your Trust. Great! But wait, there’s more… Creating your Trust is just the first step. Upon signing, your Trust is merely an “empty bucket.” Funding your Trust, means filling the “empty bucket” with your assets. Your assets fill the “empty bucket” by...

The Trap of Joint Tenancy

“I don’t have a lot of money, so I’ll just add my kids to my (bank account) (title to my home) (title to my car) etc.” This is a common refrain from those who think they are not wealthy enough for an Estate Plan. Wealth does not determine whether you should have...

Why Does an 18-Year Old Need Powers of Attorney?

Becoming a legal adult means that parents are no longer in control of most aspects of their now adult-aged child.  Because your child is an adult, you can no longer make their healthcare decisions, talk to their doctors nor access any of their financial records...

Seniors and Privacy – Part 3

Here is a list of Do’s and Don’ts in our final installment for seniors seeking to protect their privacy: DO shred all confidential material. DO use encrypted networks to access sensitive accounts. DO obtain copies of your credit report at least annually. DO use strong...

Seniors and Privacy – Part 2

With a few tips and a little bit of time, you can try and prevent your private information from being stolen and/or made public. It is not always 100% guaranteed, but doing nothing or being careless with your information will dramatically increase the likelihood of...