Protecting families, finances and furry friends!

Bad Consumer List has just launched to help small businesses give feedback on their customers. The site allows companies to report consumers who fail to pay or treat their employees badly. The reviews are private and only members of the website can access the database....

Holiday Traveling and Your Estate Plan

Even though it doesn’t feel like it, Thanksgiving is almost here!  It’s estimated that more than 48.7 million Americans are expected to travel for Thanksgiving this year. With the hustle and bustle of travel, planning dinner and catching up with family and friends, it...

Guardianship and Single Parents

One question I receive fairly often: “can I name someone else in my Will to be the guardian of my child besides the other parent?” The short answer is yes you can, but the courts will not often enforce that nomination if there is a surviving parent. Typically, a...

Organization and Estate Planning

The first month of 2016 will end this weekend. One in three people give up on their goals by the end of January. Don’t be one of those three people who give up! If you made a goal to be more organized, there is still time to accomplish this! Estate Planning is...

5 Organization Ideas for 2016

I cannot believe that the first week of 2016 is nearly over! I made a promise to myself (one that I seemingly make every year) but it was that I would finally, finally, finally, follow through on some goals I set. For the first time, however, I realized that I had to...